Feedback – your experience

We pride ourselves on offering an exceptional service. It is therefore very important to us that we hear from all those that use our company about their experience of us, no matter the feedback.

Please do get in touch.  As a company we intend to learn and improve from all feedback received.


Feedback received 2023

“the crew were amazing. They put the patient at the heart and centre of their decision making….then the line at the end about wanting them for your family” – Feedback received from an NHS professional

“All of your staff were amazing. Their professionalism was second to none and I have travelled with other companies in the past. They were welcoming, friendly and put me completely at ease. It’s not easy to sit in such close proximity to people when you’re unwell but they minimised the difficulty and we managed to laugh about the situation. They seemed to know when to be chatty and when to take a break so their instinct and ability to read people was impeccable.” – Feedback received from a patient

Always friendly, show compassion towards the patients, make the patients feel at ease, assist patients to get into the van and do so with sensitivity towards physical health issues/mobility. They inform ward of ETAs – Feedback received from an NHS professional

Feedback received 2022

“I just wanted to say how grateful I am for the support provided by the crew which was way above and beyond their remit and which alleviated a very distressing experience for the patient…had they not been there or been willing to offer this level of support, I can acknowledge and recognise the situation would have been so much worse” – Feedback received from an NHS professional

“made me feel less anxious and we had a nice general relaxed chat” – Feedback received from a patient

“staff were friendly and comforting” – Feedback received from a patient

“peaceful company” – Feedback received from a patient

“I just wanted to pass on some very positive feedback I have received…[patient’s relative] wanted me to pass on to all the crew members, thanks for the kind, compassionate and dignified way her mother was treated and spoken to her during the journey, which put her at ease and made her feel listened to.” – Feedback received from an NHS professional


Feedback – Therapeutic Response Ambulance Service